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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Catching speeding drivers the goal for Colorado’s Surge Enforcement Day

Colorado Department of Transportation and agencies across the state are teaming up to find speeding drivers. They are calling it Surge Enforcement Day.
It’s designed to promote safety, protect human life, and preserve the roadways throughout the state. Colorado State Patrol says 16,561 DUI arrests were made in the state with 17.2% coming in September and October.
CSP data showed an increase in speeding tickets given in construction or school zones last year.
CSP is advising drivers to follow the posted speed limits, avoid distractions while driving, like using your cellphone while you are driving, and if you see an aggressive driver make sure you keep your cool and distance yourself from that driver.
CSP says troopers will lower their tolerance for lane violations, speeding, and careless and reckless driving behaviors during Monday’s surge day.
